
A medication error is a failure in the treatment process that leads to, or has the potential to lead to, damage to the patient. Medication errors can occur in deciding which medicine and dosage regimen to use (prescribing faults—irrational, inappropriate, and ineffective prescribing, underprescribing, overprescribing); writing the prescription (prescription errors); manufacturing the formulation (incorrect strength, contaminants or adulterants, incorrect or misleading packaging); dispensing the formulation (wrong drug, wrong conception, wrong label); administering or taking the medicine (wrong dose, wrong route, wrong frequency, wrong duration); monitoring therapy (declining to alter therapy when required, erroneous alteration). They can be classified, using a psychological nomenclature of errors, every bit knowledge-, dominion-, activeness- and retentivity-based errors. Although medication errors can occasionally be serious, they are not commonly so and are often trivial. However, information technology is important to notice them, since system failures that outcome in minor errors tin later lead to serious errors. Reporting of errors should be encouraged by creating a blame-free, non-punitive environment. Errors in prescribing include irrational, inappropriate, and ineffective prescribing, underprescribing and overprescribing (collectively called prescribing faults) and errors in writing the prescription (including illegibility). Avoiding medication errors is of import in balanced prescribing, which is the utilise of a medicine that is advisable to the patient'southward condition and, within the limits created by the dubiety that attends therapeutic decisions, in a dosage regimen that optimizes the residual of benefit to impairment. In balanced prescribing the mechanism of activity of the drug should exist married to the pathophysiology of the affliction.


In 2000, an adept group on learning from agin events in the NHS, chaired past the Chief Medical Officeholder, reported that since 1985 there had been at least 13 episodes in which people (usually children) had been killed or paralysed because of wrong administration of drugs by spinal injection; 12 involved vinca alkaloids; ten were fatal. ane Serious medication errors are uncommon, but it is salutary that it took so long to recognize that remedial action was needed in this case. 2 Fifty-fifty so, this fault continues to be made. iii

Some bones definitions

A medication

A medication (a medicinal product) is 'a production that contains a compound with proven biological effects, plus excipients or excipients just; it may besides comprise contaminants; the active chemical compound is normally a drug or prodrug, but may be a cellular element'. 4

A codicil to this definition stipulates that a medicinal product is one that is intended to be taken by or administered to a person or animal for one or more of the post-obit reasons: as a placebo; to prevent a disease; to make a diagnosis; to test for the possibility of an adverse outcome; to change a physiological, biochemical or anatomical function or abnormality; to replace a missing factor; to meliorate a symptom; to care for a disease; to induce anaesthesia. Medication (the process) is the act of giving a medication (the object) to a patient for any of these purposes.

This definition reminds us of the distinction between the drug itself (the agile component) and the whole product, which likewise contains supposedly inactive excipients. The definition of a medication encompasses not only chemical compounds—drugs, prodrugs (which may themselves take no pharmacological action), stereoisomers that may have just adverse effects, or compounds that are used for diagnostic purposes (such as contrast media); it also includes cellular elements, such as inactivated or attenuated viruses for immunization, blood products (such as platelets), viruses for gene therapy, and embryonic stalk cells; 'contaminants' includes chemical and biological contaminants and adulterants, the former existence accidentally present the latter deliberately added.

Although the definition covers a wide range of compounds, it does not include medications when they are used to probe systems for non-diagnostic purposes, such as the utilize of phenylephrine to study baroreceptor reflexes in a physiological or pharmacological experiment.

An mistake

An mistake is 'something incorrectly washed through ignorance or inadvertence; a error, east.g. in adding, judgement, spoken language, writing, action, etc.' 5 or 'a failure to complete a planned action as intended, or the use of an incorrect plan of action to achieve a given aim'. half dozen Other definitions have been published. 7

A medication mistake

With these definitions in mind, a medication error can exist divers as 'a failure in the treatment procedure that leads to, or has the potential to atomic number 82 to, damage to the patient'. eight,9 The 'handling process' involves all medications, equally defined above.

Medication errors tin can occur in:

  • choosing a medicine—irrational, inappropriate, and ineffective prescribing, underprescribing and overprescribing;

  • writing the prescription—prescription errors, including illegibility;

  • manufacturing the formulation to be used—wrong strength, contaminants or adulterants, wrong or misleading packaging;

  • dispensing the formulation—wrong drug, wrong formulation, wrong characterization;

  • administering or taking the drug—incorrect dose, wrong route, wrong frequency, wrong elapsing;

  • monitoring therapy—failing to alter therapy when required, erroneous alteration.

The term 'failure' in the definition implies that certain standards should be set, confronting which failure can exist judged. All those who deal with medicines should establish or be familiar with such standards. They should institute or notice measures to ensure that failure to meet the standards does not occur or is unlikely. Everybody involved in the handling process is responsible for their part of the process.

Adverse events and adverse drug reactions

An adverse event is 'any abnormal sign, symptom or laboratory test, or any syndromic combination of such abnormalities, any untoward or unplanned occurrence (e.k. an accident or unplanned pregnancy), or any unexpected deterioration in a concurrent illness'. iv If an adverse event occurs while an individual is taking a drug it could exist an adverse drug reaction (ADR). The term 'adverse drug event' is sometimes used to describe this, simply it is a bad term and should be avoided. 4 If an agin event is not attributable to a drug it remains an agin upshot; if it may be owing to a drug it becomes a suspected ADR.

An ADR is 'an appreciably harmful or unpleasant reaction, resulting from an intervention related to the use of a medicinal product' 4 .

Some medication errors outcome in ADRs simply many practice not; occasionally a medication mistake can upshot in an adverse event that is not an ADR (for example, when a cannula penetrates a blood vessel and a haematoma results). The overlap between agin events, ADRs, and medication errors is illustrated in the Venn diagram in Figure 1. 8

Figure one.

A Venn diagram showing the relation among adverse events, ADRs and medication errors; the sizes of the boxes do not reflect the relative frequencies of the events illustrated (Reproduced from reference 8, with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health/Adis ©; Adis Data Information BV (2006); all rights reserved).

A Venn diagram showing the relation amongst agin events, ADRs and medication errors; the sizes of the boxes exercise not reflect the relative frequencies of the events illustrated (Reproduced from reference 8, with permission from Wolters Kluwer Wellness/Adis ©; Adis Information Information BV (2006); all rights reserved).

Figure ane.

A Venn diagram showing the relation among adverse events, ADRs and medication errors; the sizes of the boxes do not reflect the relative frequencies of the events illustrated (Reproduced from reference 8, with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health/Adis ©; Adis Data Information BV (2006); all rights reserved).

A Venn diagram showing the relation among agin events, ADRs and medication errors; the sizes of the boxes practise not reflect the relative frequencies of the events illustrated (Reproduced from reference 8, with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health/Adis ©; Adis Data Information BV (2006); all rights reserved).

Frequency and outcomes of medication errors

The precise frequencies of medication errors are non known. The method of detection can affect the estimated frequency. 10 Probably almost errors go unnoticed (the mistake iceberg 11 ); of those that are detected a minority actually result in ADRs, or at least serious ones. For example, in a UK hospital study of 36 200 medication orders, a prescribing error was identified in 1.5% and about (54%) were associated with the choice of dose; errors were potentially serious in 0.four%. 12 In a survey of twoscore 000 medication errors in 173 infirmary trusts in England and Wales in the 12 months to July 2006, collected past the National Patient Safety Agency, ∼fifteen% caused slight impairment and 5% moderate or severe impairment. 13 In a United states of america report, one.7% of prescriptions dispensed from community pharmacies contained errors. xiv Since ∼3 billion prescriptions are dispensed each yr in the United states, ∼50 one thousand thousand would comprise errors. Of those, just ∼0.1% were idea to be clinically important, giving an annual incidence of such errors of near 50 000. Wrong characterization data and instructions were the most common types of errors.

Notwithstanding, information technology is important to detect medication errors, whether important or not, since doing and so may reveal a failure in the handling process that could on another occasion atomic number 82 to damage. There is as well evidence that the death rate from medication errors is increasing. From 1983 to 1993 the numbers of deaths from medication errors and adverse reactions to medicines used in US hospitals increased from 2876 to 7391 15 and from 1990 to 2000 the almanac number of deaths from medication errors in the UK increased from near 20 to just nether 200. xvi These increases are not surprising—in recent years hospitals have seen increased throughput of patients, new drugs have emerged that are increasingly difficult to apply safely and effectively, medical intendance has get more complex and specialized, and the population has aged, factors that tend to increase the chance of medication errors. 17

When errors are detected, they tin can cause much dissatisfaction. According to a 2000 written report citing UK medical defence organizations, ane 25% of all litigation claims in general medical practice were due to medication errors and involved the following errors:

  • prescribing and dispensing errors (including a incorrect, contraindicated or unlicensed drug, a incorrect dosage, or incorrect administration);

  • echo prescribing without proper checks;

  • failure to monitor progress; and

  • failure to warn about adverse furnishings (which might, however, not exist regarded as a medication error).

Types of medication error and prevention

The best way to empathise how medication errors happen and how to avoid them is to consider their classification, which can be contextual, modal, or psychological. Contextual classification deals with the specific time, place, medicines and people involved. Modal classification examines the ways in which errors occur (for example, by omission, repetition or substitution). Psychological classification is to be preferred, as it explains events rather than only describing them. Its disadvantage is that information technology concentrates on man rather than systems sources of errors. The following psychological classification is based on the work of Reason on errors in general. 18

There are four wide types of medication errors (labelled one–iv in Effigy 2). viii

  • Cognition-based errors (through lack of cognition)—for instance, giving penicillin, without having established whether the patient is allergic. In an Australian study, advice problems with senior staff and difficulty in accessing appropriate drug-dosing data contributed to knowledge-based prescription errors. 19 These types of errors should be avoidable by beingness well informed about the drug beingness prescribed and the patient to whom it is beingness given. Computerized prescribing systems, bar-coded medication systems, and cross-checking by others (for example, pharmacists and nurses) can help to intercept such errors. xx Pedagogy is of import. 21

    Figure 2.

    A classification of types of medication errors based on psychological principles. For examples of prescription errors in each category see the text and Table 1 (Reproduced from reference 8, with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health/Adis ©; Adis Data Information BV (2006); all rights reserved).

    A classification of types of medication errors based on psychological principles. For examples of prescription errors in each category run across the text and Tabular array 1 (Reproduced from reference 8, with permission from Wolters Kluwer Wellness/Adis ©; Adis Information Information BV (2006); all rights reserved).

    Effigy ii.

    A classification of types of medication errors based on psychological principles. For examples of prescription errors in each category see the text and Table 1 (Reproduced from reference 8, with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health/Adis ©; Adis Data Information BV (2006); all rights reserved).

    A classification of types of medication errors based on psychological principles. For examples of prescription errors in each category see the text and Table 1 (Reproduced from reference 8, with permission from Wolters Kluwer Wellness/Adis ©; Adis Information Information BV (2006); all rights reserved).

  • Rule-based errors (using a bad rule or misapplying a practiced rule)—for example, injecting diclofenac into the lateral thigh rather than the buttock. Proper rules and education help to avoid these types of mistake, as do computerized prescribing systems.

  • Action-based errors (called slips)—for case, picking up a canteen containing diazepam from the pharmacy shelf when intending to take one containing diltiazem. In the Australian study mentioned above nearly errors were due to slips in attention that occurred during routine prescribing, dispensing or drug administration. These can be minimized by creating conditions in which they are unlikely (for example, by avoiding distractions, past cross-checking, by labelling medicines clearly and by using identifiers, such every bit bar-codes); 22 and then-called 'Alpine Man' lettering (mixing upper- and lower-case letters in the same word) has been proposed as a fashion to avoid misreading of labels, 23 but this method has not been tested in real conditions. A subset of action-based errors is the technical error—for case, putting the wrong amount of potassium chloride into an infusion bottle. This type of fault tin be prevented by the use of checklists, neglect-safe systems and computerized reminders.

  • Memory-based errors (called lapses)—for example, giving penicillin, knowing the patient to be allergic, but forgetting. These are difficult to avoid; they tin can be intercepted past computerized prescribing systems and past cross-checking.

For some examples of prescription errors see Table 1. Examples of other types of medication errors nether the same headings are given in reference viii.

Tabular array 1

Examples of prescribing faults and prescription errors

Type of fault Example Event

Knowledge based Being unaware of the interaction between warfarin and erythromycin Warfarin toxicity
Rule based Prescribing oral treatment in a patient with dysphagia Lung aspiration or  failure to treat
Activity based Being distracted, writing diazepam for diltiazem Sedation
Technical Writing illegibly, so that 'Panadol' (paracetamol) is dispensed instead  of 'Priadel' (lithium) a Loss of upshot
Retentivity based Forgetting to specify a maximum daily dose for an 'equally required' drug Poisoning or  unnecessary treatment
Blazon of error Case Effect

Knowledge based Being unaware of the interaction between warfarin and erythromycin Warfarin toxicity
Rule based Prescribing oral handling in a patient with dysphagia Lung aspiration or  failure to treat
Action based Being distracted, writing diazepam for diltiazem Sedation
Technical Writing illegibly, so that 'Panadol' (paracetamol) is dispensed instead  of 'Priadel' (lithium) a Loss of effect
Memory based Forgetting to specify a maximum daily dose for an 'as required' drug Poisoning or  unnecessary treatment

aThis stresses the importance of prescribing past generic proper name whenever possible, since more errors are fabricated by confusing brand names than generic names; withal, in this example 'Priadel' had to be prescribed—modified-release formulations of lithium must be prescribed by make proper name because of differences in bioavailability from make to make.

Table one

Examples of prescribing faults and prescription errors

Type of error Example Outcome

Knowledge based Being unaware of the interaction between warfarin and erythromycin Warfarin toxicity
Dominion based Prescribing oral treatment in a patient with dysphagia Lung aspiration or  failure to treat
Action based Being distracted, writing diazepam for diltiazem Sedation
Technical Writing illegibly, so that 'Panadol' (paracetamol) is dispensed instead  of 'Priadel' (lithium) a Loss of effect
Retentiveness based Forgetting to specify a maximum daily dose for an 'as required' drug Poisoning or  unnecessary treatment
Blazon of error Example Consequence

Knowledge based Existence unaware of the interaction between warfarin and erythromycin Warfarin toxicity
Rule based Prescribing oral treatment in a patient with dysphagia Lung aspiration or  failure to treat
Action based Being distracted, writing diazepam for diltiazem Sedation
Technical Writing illegibly, so that 'Panadol' (paracetamol) is dispensed instead  of 'Priadel' (lithium) a Loss of event
Retention based Forgetting to specify a maximum daily dose for an 'equally required' drug Poisoning or  unnecessary treatment

aThis stresses the importance of prescribing by generic name whenever possible, since more than errors are fabricated past confusing brand names than generic names; however, in this example 'Priadel' had to be prescribed—modified-release formulations of lithium must be prescribed past brand name because of differences in bioavailability from brand to make.

Latent factors

Mistakes (knowledge- and dominion-based errors), slips (action-based errors) and lapses (retention-based errors) have been called 'active failures'. xviii Notwithstanding, there are several backdrop of systems (so-chosen 'latent factors') that make prescribers susceptible to error. For example, working overtime with inadequate resources, poor support, and low job security all contributed to an increased hazard of medication errors past nurses. 24 Amid doctors low and exhaustion are important. 25,26 Errors are more than likely to occur when tasks are carried out after hours by busy, distracted staff, often in relation to unfamiliar patients. 19 There is a particular risk of errors when doctors first make it in hospital, because of shortcomings in their cognition, sixteen and presumably also because they are unfamiliar with local prescription charts and other systems. Improved didactics and improved working conditions, including improve consecration processes, should reduce the take a chance of errors that are due to these factors; a national prescription form would aid.

Detecting and reporting errors

One difficulty in detecting errors is that those who make them fear disciplinary procedures and practice not desire to study them. 27 The establishment of a arraign-complimentary, non-punitive environment tin can obviate this. 28 The reporting of errors, including near-misses, should be encouraged, using fault reports to identify areas of likeliest occurrence and simplifying and standardizing the steps in the handling process. Nevertheless, some systems for voluntarily reporting medical errors are of express usefulness, because reports often lack details and there is incomplete reporting and underreporting. 29 A medication error reporting system should be readily accessible, with clear data on how to report a medication mistake, and reporting should be followed by feedback; detection may exist improved by using a combination of methods. thirty

Prescribing faults and prescription errors

Errors in prescribing can be divided into irrational prescribing, inappropriate prescribing, ineffective prescribing, underprescribing and overprescribing, and errors in writing the prescription. The inadequacy of the term 'error' to describe all of these is obvious. Failing to prescribe an anticoagulant for a patient in whom it is indicated (underprescribing) or prescribing one when it is not indicated (overprescribing) are different types of mistake from errors that are made when writing a prescription. I therefore prefer to utilise the terms 'prescribing faults' and 'prescription errors'. nine The term 'prescribing errors' ambiguously encompasses both types.

Prescribing faults

Irrational and inappropriate prescribing

'Rational' is defined in the Oxford English language Dictionary as 'based on, derived from, reason or reasoning' and 'appropriate' as 'specially fitted or suitable, proper'. five One would expect rational prescribing to be appropriate, but that is not always the case. A rational approach tin result in inappropriate prescribing, if it is based on missing or wrong information. If, for case, one does not know that another prescriber has already prescribed paracetamol unsuccessfully for a headache, a prescription for paracetamol might be rational but inappropriate. Consider an instance from my own practice. 31

• A woman with Liddle'due south syndrome presented with astringent symptomatic hypokalaemia. Her doctor reasoned as follows:

  • – she has potassium depletion;

  • – spironolactone is a potassium-sparing drug;

  • – spironolactone will cause her to retain potassium;

  • – her serum potassium concentration will normalize.

• She took a total dose of spironolactone for several days, based on this logical reasoning, but all the same had severe hypokalaemia. Her md should take reasoned as follows:

  • –she has potassium depletion due to Liddle's syndrome, a channelopathy that affects epithelial sodium channels;

  • –there is a choice of potassium-sparing drugs;

  • –spironolactone acts via aldosterone receptors, amiloride and triamterene via sodium channels;

  • –in Liddle's syndrome an activeness via sodium channels is required.

• When she was given amiloride instead of spironolactone her serum potassium concentration rapidly rose to within the reference range.

This stresses the importance of understanding the relation between the pathophysiology of the problem and the mechanism of activity of the drug (come across below).

Ineffective prescribing

Ineffective prescribing is prescribing a drug that is not effective for the indication in full general or for the specific patient; it is distinct from underprescribing (see beneath). In a study of 212 patients, half-dozen% of 1621 medications were rated as ineffective. 32 Of 196 US out-patients aged 65 and older who were taking five or more medications, 112 (57%) were taking a medication that was ineffective, not indicated, or duplicative. 33 And in a Scottish report, 49% of general practices prescribed homoeopathic remedies, five% of practices accounting for l% of the remedies prescribed. 34

1 would wait ineffective prescribing to be minimized by the use of guidelines, but there is conflicting evidence; prescribing guidelines may be ineffective unless accompanied by education or fiscal incentives. 35


Underprescribing is failure to prescribe a drug that is indicated and appropriate, or the use of too depression a dose of an appropriate drug. The true extent of underprescribing is not known, but there is evidence of significant underprescribing of some effective treatments, such as angiotensin converting-enzyme inhibitors for patients with center failure 36 and statins for hyperlipidaemia. 37

The sources of underprescribing include fear of adverse furnishings or interactions, failure to recognize the appropriateness of therapy, and doubts or ignorance about likely efficacy. Cost may play a part. 38 There is a tendency to avoid treatment in older people, 39,40 and this can atomic number 82 to unwanted effects, 28 including the so-called risk-treatment mismatch, in which those who are at greatest adventure are less aggressively treated, an outcome that may exist partly associated with age. 41 However, other factors may contribute to this type of mismatch, such every bit distraction by co-morbidities, miscalculation of the truthful benefit to harm residue and a reluctance to undertake or exacerbate polypharmacy. 42

In a study of the relation of underprescribing to polypharmacy in 150 elderly patients, the probability of underprescribing increased significantly with the prescribed number of drugs. 43 This resulted in failure to use β-adrenoceptor antagonists after myocardial infarction, ACE inhibitors for heart failure, anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation and bisphosphonates in osteoporosis.


Overprescribing is prescribing a drug in too loftier a dosage (also much, also frequently or for too long). In some cases treatment is not necessary at all. For example, among hospital patients who were given a proton pump inhibitor treatment was indicated in only half. 44 Polypharmacy, defined as the use of five or more than drugs, occurs in >ten% of people aged over 65 years in the UK. 45 And although not all polypharmacy is inappropriate, 46 some undoubtedly leads to ADRs and drug-drug interactions.

Overuse of antibiotics is well known and much discussed. A systematic review of 55 trials showed that no single strategy or combination of strategies was ameliorate than any other and none was highly effective, although the authors singled out active education of clinicians as a strategy to pursue. 47

In a Spanish study, those who overprescribed were more than likely to be in rural practices, further from specialist centres, caring for children, lacking postgraduate education and in role-time or short-term work. 48 In some countries, doctors' income may have an outcome. 49

Prescription errors

All the factors that lead to medication errors in general contribute towards prescription errors. They include lack of knowledge, using the incorrect drug name, dosage grade, or abbreviation, and incorrect dosage calculations. fifty In a U.s.a. study of about 900 medication errors in children, ∼thirty% were prescription errors, 25% were dispensing errors and xl% were assistants errors. 51 In one study the most common form of prescription error was writing the incorrect dose. 12 In vi Oxford hospitals the most common errors on prescription charts were writing the patient's proper noun incorrectly and writing the wrong dose, which together accounted for ∼50% of all errors. sixteen In a hospital report of 192 prescription charts, only vii% were correctly filled; 79% had errors that posed pocket-size potential health risks and 14% had errors that could take led to serious harm. 52

Table 1 lists some examples of prescribing faults and prescription errors under the headings of the iv types of error. The remedies are equally outlined above.

The hedgehog principle and balanced prescribing

The major bulwark to rational, appropriate and effective prescribing is failure to apply what I call the hedgehog principle. The Greek poet Archilochus (seventh century BC) wrote that 'The play tricks knows many things, the hedgehog one big thing'. What he meant is not clear, since the text is bitty, but Isaiah Berlin suggested that it could be interpreted as distinguishing between 'those who relate everything to a single primal vision [hedgehogs] … and those who pursue many ends [foxes]'. 53 As a prescriber I am a hedgehog, and the one large idea to which I subscribe is the need to marry the mechanism of action of the drug to the pathophysiology of the disease. Using amiloride to treat hypokalaemia in Liddle's syndrome (as described higher up) is a perfect example of this principle. If in addition one pays attention to the balance of benefit and harm, one achieves 'counterbalanced prescribing', defined as the apply of a medicine that is appropriate to the patient's condition and, within the limits created by the uncertainty that attends therapeutic decisions, in a dosage regimen that optimizes the residuum of benefit to harm. 54 Annotation that this definition includes the two components of the hedgehog principle: the disease and the medicine.

Achieving balanced prescribing

9 questions should be asked before writing a prescription (adapted from the Medication Appropriateness Index 55,56):

Indication: is in that location an indication for the drug?

Effectiveness: is the medication effective for the condition?

Diseases: are there important co-morbidities that could impact the response to the drug?

Other like drugs: is the patient already taking another drug with the same activity?

Interactions are there clinically of import drug–drug interactions with other drugs that the patient is taking?

Dosage: what is the correct dosage regimen (dose, frequency, route, formulation)?

Orders: what are the correct directions for giving the drug and are they practical?

Menstruation: what is the appropriate duration of therapy?

Economics: is the drug cost-constructive?

The mnemonic for this listing is 'i.e. exercise I dope?'. Each item relates to an important process in prescribing, and in the absence of evidence that following this schedule improves prescribing, it makes sense to use it.

Conclusion: a prescription for better prescribing

We all make errors from time to time. At that place are many sources of medication errors and different ways of fugitive them. Even so, we must start by being aware that error is possible and take steps to minimize the risks. The essential components of this are monitoring for and identifying errors, reporting them in a arraign-free environment, analysis of their root causes, 57 changing procedures co-ordinate to the lessons learnt and further monitoring.

How can we improve prescribing and reduce medication errors? 5 prescriptions might help 35,58:

  • ℞ Education, to be taken as often as possible (a repeat prescription—learning should be lifelong).

  • ℞ Special study modules for graduates and undergraduates, to be taken every bit required.

  • ℞ Proper assessment: in the final undergraduate exam, to be taken in one case or twice; in postgraduate appraisal, to be taken occasionally; this could be linked to a licence to prescribe.

  • ℞ A national prescription form for hospitals, to be practical uniformly and used as a training tool.

  • ℞ Guidelines and computerized prescribing systems, to be taken if indicated (their roles and proper implementation are non withal clear).

Conflict of involvement: None declared.



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Interventions to reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescribing: a systematic review and quantitative analysis


Med Care



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Factores predictivos de la prescripción farmacéutica: perfil del médico hiperprescriptor [Predictive factors of drug prescription: profile of the overprescribing md]


Gac Sanit



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Overprescribing of lipid lowering agents


Qual Saf Health Care



, vol.








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Factors related to errors in medication prescribing





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Estimator based medication error reporting: insights and implications


Qual Saf Health Care



, vol.








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Feil og mangelfull kurveføring—en potensiell kilde til feilmedisinering [Erroneous and unsatisfactory filling in of drug charts—a potential source of medication error]


Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen



, vol.









The Hedgehog and the Fox




Weidenfeld & Nicholson






Counterbalanced prescribing


Br J Clin Pharmacol



, vol.








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A method for assessing drug therapy appropriateness


J Clin Epidemiol



, vol.








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A summated score for the Medication Ceremoniousness Index: evolution and assessment of clinimetric backdrop including content validity


J Clin Epidemiol



, vol.





half dozen



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Turning the medical gaze in upon itself: root crusade analysis and the investigation of clinical error


Soc Sci Med



, vol.








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A prescription for better prescribing


Br Med J



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